Happy April Fool’s Day with a Strawberry Fool Recipe

I’m too nice to play tricks. Still, I had it in my head for a while I wanted to share a recipe for April Fool’s day. After lots of recipes that try to trick you by appearing to be one thing but are actually another, I found that I couldn’t bear to do them. If I’m expecting something sweet and get something savory, or vice versa, and it’s a whole dish, it just seems like a lot of work and too much disappointment because I really thought I’d be getting the sweet frosted cupcake (but get meatloaf instead),  a cake that looks like a BLT but is white cake and gummy fruit and Tootsie Rolls, savory slider and fries basket that turns out to be a cake and cookie concoction or mini chicken pot pie that is candy and pudding. Don’t even get me started on the cakes that look like kitty litter which I even refuse to link to.

Instead, I decided to go with a Strawberry Fool recipe, which has no trick at all to it. There isn’t any cooking involved even- just cutting and you literally whip it together!
A Nice April Fool's recipe with no trick- the Strawberry Fool A Nice April Fool's recipe with no trick- the Strawberry Fool

In fact, it’s super easy and fast to do, and very classic. The sweet Hood strawberries are not at the Farmers Market yet, but there have been sales of strawberries at the grocery store and F brought some home as a surprise for me. I’m suffering from a cold with a bad sore throat and cough, so having something creamy was a very soothing prescription to myself.
April Fool's Recipe with no Trick: Strawberry Fool Recipe is blended strawberries with the cut strawberries and the fresh whipped vanilla cream (Grand Marnier optional) April Fool's Recipe with no Trick: Strawberry Fool Recipe is blended strawberries with the cut strawberries and the fresh whipped vanilla cream (Grand Marnier optional)

This simple recipe is from Mark Bittman in the New York Times and yields 4 servings supposedly but it was also enough for just the 2 of us in my household of F and myself.
April Fool's Recipe with no Trick: Strawberry Fool Recipe is blended strawberries with the cut strawberries and the fresh whipped vanilla cream (Grand Marnier optional) April Fool's Recipe with no Trick: Strawberry Fool Recipe is blended strawberries with the cut strawberries and the fresh whipped vanilla cream (Grand Marnier optional)

Strawberry Fool


  • 1 pint strawberries
  • 1/2 cup sugar (or to taste), separated into 1/4 cup and 1/4 cup
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  1. Hull the rest of the strawberries, then wash them. Reserve a few of the best looking strawberries for garnish, and chop the rest into 1/4-inch-thick pieces. Toss with 1/4 cup of the sugar, and wait at least 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they give up their juices. Isn’t macerating so easy and magical?
    Strawberry Fool recipe- hull 1 pint of strawberries Strawberry Fool Recipe- 1/4 cup sugar with the hulled, 1/4 Strawberry Fool Recipe- 1/4 cup sugar with the hulled, 1/4
  2. Place half the strawberries and all the juice in a blender or food processor and purée, though you can also choose to just mush them however and with whatever you have. Pour purée back in bowl with other half of still chopped strawberries.
    Strawberry Fool Recipe- blended strawberries with the cut strawberries
  3. Whip the cream with remaining 1/4 cup sugar and vanilla until cream is stiff and holds peaks easily. Fold berries and almost all the cream together, setting aside a bit of the cream aside as topping if you’d like. Cut the reserved strawberries from before in half and top. Serve immediately in small bowls or in wine glasses, or refrigerate for up to two hours and then serve if you would like it more chilled.
    Strawberry Fool Recipe- blended strawberries with the cut strawberries and the fresh whipped vanilla cream (Grand Marnier optional) April Fool's treat with no trick, a Strawberry Fool Recipe- blended strawberries with the cut strawberries and the fresh whipped vanilla cream (Grand Marnier optional)

I have tweaked this recipe sometimes- for instance, using honey instead of sugar for the maceration, or throwing in a teaspoon of Grand Marnier! If you’d like, garnish with some fresh mint. This also can work with any berry- raspberry, blueberry, marionberry, or you could try rhubarb or a lime or lemon variation, the list goes on. Instead of topping fresh whipped cream, you can go healthy and go with yogurt instead. You really can’t go wrong here.
April Fool's treat with no trick, a Strawberry Fool Recipe- blended strawberries with the cut strawberries and the fresh whipped vanilla cream (Grand Marnier optional) April Fool's treat with no trick, a Strawberry Fool Recipe- blended strawberries with the cut strawberries and the fresh whipped vanilla cream (Grand Marnier optional)

Are you doing anything for April Fool’s Day?


Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese

Yes, that’s right. Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks. I know you may immediately think of Green Eggs and Ham… which I was tempted to do, but since really it’s just putting pesto on an omelette, it didn’t seem quite as unique as this. This dish is served room temperature/cold, and best right away since the green will turn brownish the more contact it has with air, since the green is thanks to avocado.
Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese, using cheddar and many green things like avocado, green jalapeno, lime, green onion, cilantro Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese, using cheddar and many green things like avocado, green jalapeno, lime, green onion, cilantro

This is another great recipe only slightly adapted from the Melt: The Art of Macaroni and Cheese. I previously wrote about this awesome cookbook when I attended book release party at Cheese Bar, and also when I made the 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese.

Book cover for Melt: the Art of Macaroni & Cheese cookbook

This was one of the recipe that when I asked F to browse through the book and pick out recipes he was interested in, I remember him pointing out. It highlights Beecher’s Flagship Cheddar cheese, which is made just next door (ok practically next door) in Seattle. At the Pike Place Market location, I always peer in watching them make their curds and trying not to get tempted by their World’s Best Mac and Cheese or their grilled cheese sandwiches (they have one with their cheese and crab) or cheese curds that I can rationalize as a snack.

So this avocado mac and cheese seems like a perfect highlight of the Pacific Northwest, as well as cheese, and it’s green for St Patrick’s Day right? The recipe call for a jalapeño pepper and green onions and cilantro and lime zest and juice, more green on top of avocado, so win! Plenty of green ingredients just going in! So therefore, Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks!
Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese, using cheddar and many green things like avocado, green jalapeno, lime, green onion, cilantro

Per F’s preferences, I used skim milk but the more fat (say whole), the better. If you can’t find Beecher’s Flagship Reserve Cheddar, you want a really sharp, aged cheddar in order to stand up to let’s face it, the guacamole sauce.

Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese. Plenty of green ingredients.

  • 1 jalapeño pepper
  • 1 lime- we will be using the zest and all the juice. You may want additional limes cut into wedges for garnish and for diners to squeeze another splash of lime juice
  • 2 green onions chopped
  • 2 minced cloves of garlic
  • 3 avocados, pits and skin removed
  • 10 ounces medium shell pasta
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 10 ounces Beecher’s Flagship Cheddar, shredded
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro


  1. Cook the pasta in salted water as normal, until al dente, drain in a colander and set aside- you may want to toss with a teaspoon of olive oil so the pasta doesn’t stick.
  2. While the water is boiling before you cook your pasta (or as it is cooking), remove the jalapeño stem and cut in half. You can kept the seeds in if you want the heat (I did) or remove them. Process the jalapeño with the lime zest and lime juice, the chopped green onions, garlic, and 2 of the 3 avocados until it becomes a smooth paste.
    Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese, avocado, jalapeno, green onion, lime
  3. Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat. When it begins to steam/bubble form around the edges remove from heat and set aside- you just want to use heated milk for the mornay sauce you don’t need to boil it! In a medium saucepan, melt the 2 tablespoons of butter, and then add the 3 tablespoons flour and cook until the roux is light brown (a few minutes), continually stirring to prevent burning. Then slowly add the heated milk and continue to stir to prevent scorching until the sauce thickens. Drawing a line on the back of the spoon should stay a clean line.
  4. Remove the mornay sauce from heat and add the salt, pepper, and fold in the cheese, letting it melt as you add it in handfuls. When all the cheese is incorporated, add the paste from step 2 and stir until the sauce is smooth. You may choose to add more salt or pepper to taste.
    Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese, melting in the Beecher's Flagship (or other sharp, reserve) Cheddar before adding in the avocado sauce
  5. Add the pasta and cilantro and stir into the smooth sauce. Dice the last avocado and toss lightly into your completed Green Mac and Cheese, aka Beecher’s Flagship Cheese with avocado, lime, and shell pasta!
    Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese, folding in the avocado cheddar sauce Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese, using cheddar and many green things like avocado, green jalapeno, lime, green onion, cilantro Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese, using cheddar and many green things like avocado, green jalapeno, lime, green onion, cilantro

And there you go, something vegetarian AND green. Also, goes great with beer!
Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese, using cheddar and many green things like avocado, green jalapeno, lime, green onion, cilantro Recipe of Green Mac and Cheese for St Patricks: Avocado Mac and Cheese, using cheddar and many green things like avocado, green jalapeno, lime, green onion, cilantro

You must get this book and add it to your cookbook collection: I gave up bookmaking recipes that I wanted to make because it would be ALL of them. The 75 recipes in the book span from the ones emerging bubbly from the oven to stovetop to cold mac and cheese takes on pasta salads and even dessert versions!




St Patrick’s Day and St. Norbert College’s Cheese Broccoli

This is the first of two St Patrick’s Day recipes I thought I would share for the upcoming holiday. I will confess now that besides being green, they both involve cheese.

I clipped this recipe for St. Norbert College’s Cheese Broccoli  from the Chicago Tribune back when I lived in Chicago- which apparently, printed this in an issue in 2006. Wow. I guess I’ve had this on my to do recipe binder for a while!

It was a reader submitted recipe which she received herself from the chef at cafeteria of her college, St Norbert College. I love the fact that she remembered and loved this dish from her college cafeteria enough to pursue the chef for the recipe and make it part of her family tradition.

I can’t say I recall anything specifically in my memories of my school cafeteria days, at least food wise, except for the fact I thought the mac and cheese looked disgusting, and so I never had it until I was in college! Think about all the times I passed on mac and cheese in my entire childhood!

When I made this dish, the story of this recipe continued to charm me as I dug into this very simple, homey vegetarian side dish. The better your blue cheese, the better your dish will taste, and the 1 1/2 ounces is a very small amount just to add a little bit of tang, so don’t be scared of it. If you love blue cheese, you can obviously also up the amount of cheese.

It’s easy to put together as a side dish while making the main, and yields a huge 10 servings but can easily just be servings for four. The fact this is called cheese broccoli versus broccoli with cheese is sort of telling.


  • 1/2 stick (1/4 cup) butter
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 5 ounces cream cheese (or neufchatel, or tofu of course), softened to room temperature
  • 1 1/2 ounces blue cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 packages (16 ounces each) chopped frozen broccoli (or chop fresh one to get this amount)
  • Crumbs from 25 buttery-style crackers, such as Ritz


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Once the butter is melted, you are going to make your roux; stir in the flour and cook, stirring constantly, 1 minute.Gradually add the milk, stirring constantly; cook until thickened.
  3. Add cream cheese, blue cheese and salt. Stir until cheeses are melted. Remove from heat.
  4. Stir the broccoli into the cheese mixture; place into greased 13-by-9-inch baking dish. Sprinkle with cracker crumbs. Bake until browned and bubbly, 30 minutes.

Can you ever go wrong by adding cheese to a vegetable? I think not, what about you?


The next St Patrick’s Day dish has multiple green in it, and IS mac and cheese! Check it out on Wednesday!


Honey Mustard Chicken Recipe

I know this is shocking- I’m actually sharing a meat recipe, a Honey Mustard Chicken recipe. In theory you can also use Quorn Chick’n – their meatfree “Chicken” cutlets or fillets for instance, you don’t have to necessarily use real chicken. Honey Mustard chicken is one of those flavors that is very classic and natural, and I think the spicy sharp flavors are a great counter when eating something rich and creamy also on your plate, which was the case here.

Honey Mustard Chicken with 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese Casserole with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese Honey Mustard Chicken with 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese Casserole with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese

In this case I had 2 guests over that I could actually share this with, so I pulled out the chicken breasts from the freezer and made these to go with the recipe I recently shared, 3 cheese Macaroni and Cheese casserole w broccoli and sweet pugliese topping from the cookbook Melt: The Art of Macaroni and Cheese. I met one of the authors, Stephanie Stiavetti, when she was at Cheese Bar promoting the book release- you can see my blog post from that book release event here. None of these are sponsored posts- I just like cheese, I like Mac and Cheese, so no surprise I love the Melt cookbook.

Honey Mustard Chicken with 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese Casserole with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese

The original recipe for the 3 cheese Macaroni and Cheese you see alongside this dish (which I covered in this blog entry last week) called for using pancetta. However, since F was going to eat this too, I had to omit it, as there really is not a good substitute for pancetta for a vegetarian. For my guests though, I decided to add having some roughly cut/shredded honey mustard chicken on the side as a mustardy, cleansing counter to the melty creamy rich mac and cheese and make it more of a meal.

Simple Recipe for Honey Mustard Chicken

  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (or you can use 4 small ones- my chicken breasts that I had were huge, and easily fed 3 of us with leftovers so was probably 4 breasts worth!)
  • 1/2 cup mustard – many recipes call for Dijon Mustard, but I used spicy brown mustard to make it even more mustardy
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar – you can also use other kind of vinegar such as rice vinegar
  • Salt & pepper
  1. In a small bowl, mix together mustard, syrup, and vinegar.
  2. Place cleaned chicken breasts into 9×13 greased baking dish. Season with salt & lots of pepper (I probably used about 1/2 tablespoon of each- make sure you season both sides!). Pour mustard mixture over chicken. Make sure each breast is coated. I then let it marinate for an hour or so.
    Recipe for Homemade Honey Mustard Chicken breasts
  3. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Bake your chicken breasts, with the mustard sauce, for about 30-40 minutes.
  4. Let rest for 5 minutes or so, and then roughly cut/shred before serving.

And there you go, so easy!


What’s your favorite way to have chicken? Do you like honey mustard? And did you also know that in Germany they have mustard soup???


Melt’s 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese

I wrote previously about how I attended a book release party at Cheese Bar for Melt: The Art of Macaroni and Cheese. This recipe for 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese is the first recipe I’ve blogged about from the book, though I’ve actually made a couple others already. Well, let’s say this is one I changed the least so thought I could more fairly share.

Book cover for Melt: the Art of Macaroni & Cheese cookbook

One of my favorite recipes from the book is one I barely even follow but use as a guideline: a recipe with Raclette with Farfalle, Cornichons, and Sauteed Onions. I ended up using Farfalle or Bow Tie, and switched out the Raclette for whatever cheese I have available, but throwing in that sweetness from sauteed onions or leeks, and then little cut up cornichons for a bit of acid has been a revelation of a different kind of flavor to mac and cheese.

F looked at me weirdly when he saw me chopping the cornichons (I have also used mini sweet pickles), but it totally makes sense. You often see cornichons on a cheese plate- of course it would work with mac and cheese!

Now, this recipe for 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese also originally had pancetta. However, I don’t think there is anything even remotely vegetarian that I can substitute for pancetta, so I simply omitted it.

Instead, I upped the broccoli by a little bit, and added a little bit of olive oil since I didn’t have leftover pancetta frying grease. Instead of chives, I sprinkled some red pepper flakes just for a little hint of heat. I also served this with a side of honey mustard chicken for those who can eat meat (you can use Chik’n for a non meat version- the sauce if vegetarian).

The usage of a sweet pugliese or whatever crusty bread on top really makes for an interesting texture with the mac and cheese and the broccoli makes it healthy, right?

Recipe adapted from Melt, 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese, vegetarian and mac and cheese comforting goodness


  • 12 ounces elbow macaroni
  • I omitted this because I wanted it to be vegetarian, but also 1/2 pound/1 cup of thick-cut pancetta, chopped coarsely and fried until crispy. Don’t throw out the fat, you can use it in the recipe! If you are being vegetarian like I was, just use 1/4 cup of olive oil.
  • 2 1/2 cups milk – I used 2% milk
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 6 ounces aged Cheddar, grated. The book recommends Pineland six-month aged Cheddar, and I happen to use Tillamook Aged Cheddar. The cookbook notes you can use any medium-sharp Cheddar.
  • 4 ounces of grated Monterey Jack
  • 4 ounces low-moisture mozzarella, chopped coarsely- I just used some shredded mozzarella that’s extra from making pizza
  • 2 cups broccoli florets- each floret should be chopped to be about 1-inch in size. The original recipe called for 1 1/2 but I wanted more broccoli since I omitted the pancetta to be vegetarian
  • 2 cups coarsely torn sweet Pugliese bread or other crusty bread of your choice – I cut/tore them so they were cubes of about 1 1/2 inches
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh chives – but instead I used 1 teaspoon of red pepper flakes, again because I wanted a bit more flavor pop since I was omitting the pancetta to be vegetarian

Ingredients for the Melt recipe of 3 cheese macaroni and cheese casserole w broccoli and sweet pugliese topping


  1. Cook the pasta in a pot of salted boiling water until al dente. Drain, mix in with 1/4 cup of olive oil OR the cooked crispy pancetta/pancetta oil and stir to coat the pasta so they don’t stick together. Place in a greased 13×9 casserole dish.
  2. With the salted boiling water post-pasta, I steamed the broccoli a little bit to soften it. If you are using frozen broccoli florets you can omit this step and just let the broccoli come to room temperature.
  3. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  4. To make your cheese sauce, start by heating the milk in a small saucepan over medium heat. As soon as the milk starts to steam and there are small bubbles around the edges – in other words no need to boil it, you are just heating it- turn off the heat.
  5. As soon as the milk is heated, in a medium saucepan melt the butter over medium heat. Once the butter is just melted, stir in the flour and mix until it takes on a light brown color in a few minutes, make sure you keep scraping (I used a silicon spatula) to prevent burning. Slowly add the warmed milk, stirring constantly to prevent burning, for a few minutes. When you dip a spoon in the sauce in progress and lift the spoon out, turn to the back and draw a line with your finger- the sauce should not break that line you drew once it has successfully thickened. Remove from heat and add salt and pepper once you reach this point.
  6. In small handfuls, add all of the cheeses- the cheddar, Monterey Jack, and Mozzarella, and keep stirring until all the cheeses are completely melted and incorporated into the sauce.
  7. In the casserole dish that has your pasta, mix in the broccoli and the sauce. Fold everything together. On top, spread the torn sweet Pugliese bread
    Mac and Cheese Masterpiece: the Melt recipe of 3 cheese macaroni and cheese casserole w broccoli and sweet pugliese topping Mac and Cheese Masterpiece: the Melt recipe of 3 cheese macaroni and cheese casserole w broccoli and sweet pugliese topping Mac and Cheese Masterpiece: the Melt recipe of 3 cheese macaroni and cheese casserole w broccoli and sweet pugliese topping
  8. Bake for 30 minutes or so until the bread browns and the cheese is bubbling. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes so you don’t burn your tongue and can enjoy all flavors of this dish. If you’d like, sprinkle generously with chopped fresh chives- in my case I added more freshly ground pepper and my teaspoon of red pepper flakes.

Recipe adapted from Melt, 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese, vegetarian and mac and cheese comforting goodness Recipe adapted from Melt, 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese, vegetarian and mac and cheese comforting goodness

And here it is at the end, all gooey and warm. It should be able to serve 4-6.
Recipe adapted from Melt, 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Sweet Pugliese, vegetarian and mac and cheese comforting goodness
