Spaghetti Carbonara

Since I grew up in a family that didn’t like cheese, it wasn’t until I went to college that I discovered how awesome just plain pasta with butter and Parmesan cheese is. It is my go to meal in an emergency when I need to fill my tummy quickly. By emergency, you can surmise I usually mean when my mental and physical state is more poor than usual, my tummy feels upset, often after some consumption of lots of liquids with some sort of alcohol component. Perhaps you can surmise that anyway.

I also learned in college from others that sprinkling cheese from a salad bar on top of hot rice is more than workable too (what!!?? People put rice and cheese together!??), and this made me even lazier than my previous ways which used to be fried rice or plain jasmine rice with Maggi Seasoning Sauce. I use a rice cooker, and so the upside of that is that instead of having to watch a pot of water boil (which inevitably will boil over, alerting me that it is now time to put in the pasta), I can just really stick the rice and water in and walk away until I hear the click from the rice cooker that it’s done.

But college days and those early 20s are over. Ok, so I still eat those things (in particular, fried rice is a great way to use old rice from takeout or dining out). And sometimes out of laziness hot rice with a sprinkle of cheese is easier and faster in a pinch than making mac and cheese, although it probably will make most Asians shudder.

Sometimes, I try to get a bit gourmet. By that, I mean I think making spaghetti carbonara is a nicely refined backup when I am making a meal alone but am not so desperate for comfort in my stomach/dizzy that I can’t crack an egg and crumble some crispy bacon, all serving 1. The fact that I throw in a vegetable (even if they start from frozen peas) also makes me feel like “hey, I’m an adult. There’s a vegetable in there. It’s more sophisticated, see.”

Extra Note: Whenever I buy bacon, I will use a few strips fresh (or whatever my recipe calls for) and freeze the rest. My tip for freezing bacon is that I always freeze each piece individually in the saran wrap by folding them accordion style, just like you do when you make those creases for paper fans. That way, when I only need a couple pieces, I don’t have to break them off a huge slab of frozen bacon. I also always save the bacon juice- though in this case you will be using it right away as part of the recipe.

What’s your favorite comfort / sober up food?

Spaghetti Carbonara with bacon, peas, parmesan, egg

Ingredients (serves 1):

  • 1/2 box of spaghetti
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • 1/2 cup of chopped onion
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg
  • 1 cup of cooked peas (I steamed mine in the microwave)
  • Fresh ground pepper to taste


  1. Bring a pot of salted water to boil and cook spaghetti pasta until al dente. Drain well. Toss with 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  2. While the water is boiling, cook chopped bacon until crisp on a skillet. Remove the bacon and drain onto paper towels. Save the bacon fat in that skillet!
  3. While the water is boiling, I also beat the egg. Add the cheese and nutmeg, and beat it again. Set aside for later.
  4. Reuse that skillet to now cook the chopped onion until it is caramelized and translucent. Add minced garlic, and cook few minutes more. If you want, you can throw in other ingredients to your taste, such as peas, mushrooms, cream or splash of white wine… but will you be tempted to keep that wine out to eat with your pasta is a potential problem / opportunity :X
  5. Now to that pan, add the drained spaghetti. Toss to coat and heat through. Remove the skillet from heat and add beaten eggs and toss quickly all throughout the pasta until the eggs are barely set. Finally, crumble the bacon in, add the cooked peas, and toss again. Add some ground pepper to taste.

Spaghetti Carbonara with bacon, peas, parmesan, egg Spaghetti Carbonara with bacon, peas, parmesan, egg


H50’s Strawberry Champagne Soup, served with Champagne Ice, Pistachios and Mint

So earlier this week, I wrote about how I visited H50 for Portland Dining Month, where I loved their strawberry champagne soup. I know I just talked about a creamy but healthy watercress cauliflower soup because it got all rainy and sucky weather wise. But now I’m following that with this chilled fruit soup recipe which was shared by H50- the exact soup I had! This should be perfect as the weather is heating back up for this weekend (just this weekend… than back to more rain) so hurry up as the strawberries are ready for the picking at various U-Pick farms in the area.

H50 Bistro’s Chilled Strawberry Soup Recipe served with champagne ice, pistachios and mint

chilled strawberry soup served with champagne ice, pistachios and mint, H50 Bistro Bar, Hotel 50 restaurant, Portland, waterfront restaurant


Strawberry Soup

  • 3 cups strawberries
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/3 cup champagne
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup toasted pistachios
  • A sprig of Fresh Mint

Champagne Ice

  • 1 and 1/2 cups champagne
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon


  1. Juice the lemons- separate them because you are using 1 lemon for the soup, and 1/2 lemon for the champagne ice
  2. Now, for the Champagne Ice, take the 1 1/2 cups champagne, 3 tablespoons sugar, and that 1/2 of a lemon’s juice in mix and pour into a flat tray that can fit into your freezer. It should freeze to the consistency of sorbet.
  3. Meanwhile, chill all the rest of the ingredients in the refrigerator. Well, probably not the sugar. Chill the bowl(s) you are going to serve this in too.
  4. Ice, Ice baby… When your ice is ready, now let’s make the soup. In a blender place the juice of 1 lemon, the strawberries, 1/3 cup of champagne, 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup orange juice, and puree. Since everything is already cold (right? You chilled it? Previous step and all) it is now up to you to adjust consistency and seasoning with the rest of the sugar, and if necessary, perhaps more orange juice.
  5. If it’s not cold enough to your liking… chill some more! When you are ready temperature wise with your Champagne Ice and Chilled Strawberry Soup, ladle the strawberry soup into a chilled bowl. Take out your sorbet freeze of Champagne Ice and “shave” into some chunks by running a tablespoon over it, and top your soup with these shavings. Garnish with crushed toasted pistachio and fresh mint. And now, what to do, what to do with that rest of the strawberries and champagne…

chilled strawberry soup served with champagne ice, pistachios and mint, H50 Bistro Bar, Hotel 50 restaurant, Portland, waterfront restaurant

AND/OR, head on over to H50 and just have the 3 course menu for $29 like I did!


Watercress Cauliflower Soup

Inspired from the watercress cauliflower soup from Martha Stewart recipe. Besides having the touch of pepper from the watercress, it also has a feel of creaminess from the cauliflower but without the fat, and is extremely simple to make. You just need to saute some onion, cut the cauliflower, pull apart the watercress, and have a blender. On a rainy cool day, it’s comforting yet takes advantage of very nutritious ingredients.

Or I guess it would be if I didn’t eat mine with a thick slice of garlicky cheese bread. I have poor restraint with cheese. But, I felt it was a fair reward as I was cutting and cleaning the cauliflower and came across a worm. I know it’s a possibility when I buy vegetables from the Farmers Market, and it’s totally normal and natural, probably a testament to not using pesticides. So I always clean everything carefully, and cut everything. Yes, this is the rationale (? is it rationale if it’s the reason behind a fear, which is not rational at all) why I don’t eat whole fruit, I always cut it… even strawberries.

I know it’s just a little harmless worm- not like it’s the horror movie Squirm – but I always freak out. Don’t worry, I’m not a screamer. Instead, I am the type of person who freezes in fear. Great survival skill no? I then have to mentally snap myself out of it and get myself under control. And then ask F (not yelling… maybe just a loud insistent raised voice…) to come take it outside to freedom. So I needed that garlic cheese bread for a bit of extra comfort with the comforting healthy soup.

This recipe yields 4 bowls of soup.

Watercress Cauliflower Soup recipe, Martha Stewart


  • 2 tablespoons butter, or you can use olive oil here as well
  • 1 cup of chopped onion
  • 1 small head cauliflower (about 1 3/4 pounds), cut into 1-inch florets
  • 2 cups of stock (I used vegetable)
  • 2 cups of water
  • Salt to taste
  • Freshly ground pepper to taste
  • 5 cups of watercress- leaves and thin stems only, plus additional sprigs for garnish


  1. Melt butter in a medium pot over medium heat. Saute the onion until is translucent.
  2. Add the sautéed onion, cauliflower florets, 2 cups of stock, as well as 2 cups water pot together in a. Bring to a boil. Cover, and reduce heat. Simmer, stirring once, until cauliflower is very tender, about 15 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste.
    Watercress Cauliflower Soup recipe, Martha Stewart
  3. Remove from heat, and stir in watercress. Now working in small batches after the soup has cooled (don’t do this while it’s hot, or fill the whole container!), puree the soup in a blender.
    Watercress Cauliflower Soup recipe, Martha Stewart Watercress Cauliflower Soup recipe, Martha Stewart
  4. Put the pureed soup back in the pot on low heat to warm. To serve,  garnish each bowl with a few sprigs of watercress, and season with a freshly ground pepper to taste.

I am still in my microgreens crush stage, so instead of garnishing with watercress (I forgot to reserve any), I used pea shoots and spicy sprouts from Nightlight Farms from the Portland Farmers Market. Not pictured is that I seasoned my soup pretty liberally with the freshly ground pepper and liked the contrast and layering of the peppery tone of the watercresses versus the peppery tone of the ground pepper.

Watercress Cauliflower Soup recipe, Martha Stewart


The Four Seasons Farm Gardener’s Cookbook Review

Recently, I read and tried some recipes from The Four Season Farm Gardener’s Cookbook, From the Garden to the Table in 120 Recipes, authored by Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman. Both have been operating the Four Season Farm for more than 20 years, and have been involved professionally in farming and teaching (both in authoring/publishing and hosting the series Gardening Naturally for the Learning Channel 1993-2003, among other credentials) for more than 35 years, with more than 75 years experience between both of them. You can read more about them in the New York Times profile from last year “The Land That Keeps Giving“.

The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce

This extensive background and experience of this couple really shows in the first half of the Four Season Farm Gardener’s Cookbook, which actually focuses on the Garden rather than food recipes-  you can interpret it really as the first half being a Garden “Cook”book, and then the second half is the Table, with the promised 120 recipes and traditional cookbook.

I have been an urbanite whose gardening skills never have been explored more than growing a few of my favorite herbs of basil, dill, thyme, and Thai chili peppers, annually, so you can take this review as someone who is a total newbie to gardening, much less farming produce or anything beyond a windowsill box.

The book starts from the ground up- literally. The first chapter helps you identify what kind of soil you have, teaches you the difference between types of soil and how to improve your soil. The next chapters expound into how to think about and then decide on the size and layout of your garden, how to rotate different crops in your garden whether it be through a single year across seasons or across years. They then present six options of different kind of garden themes varying from one that is focused on producing lots of quick and satisfying results in the smallest space (The Salad Garden) to a theme of  dependable crops (The Hard Times Garden) or one that you don’t have to reseed every year because they are perennial or produce seeds (The Self Reliant Garden).

There is one chapter that goes into depth on each possible crop (grouped by family as they require similar care in growing). One example is spinach, talking about the differences between the taste of spinach through the season, giving advice on how to grow it, then harvest it, then store it, and finally various options to cook it- and they expand this to include almost 70 kinds of produce you might be considering to grow. This is probably going to be the chapter that I thumb through over and over as I encounter beautiful items in the farmers market, as I look up the produce and read suggestions on ways to cook and enjoy it. Although this chapter is technically in the Garden portion of the book with its advice on growing and harvesting, the information on storing and cooking it are definitely Table territory.

Each of these chapters is written with the voice that has clearly done everything that has been written and can provide tips. The voice is aware of both the science of how to make decisions based on the reality of various situations and talking through all of the data and information you might use to analyze and decide or more efficiently garden (such as offering advice on tools or watering techniques or weed control)- aka extremely practical- while also catering to the art of garden as an emotionally fulfilling enterprise by detailing the rich colors and textures and beauty of nature and feeling of productivity and satisfaction of feeding plants and them feeding us in return. At one point, the authors note how as each crop is ready you feel like the year is full of “little festivals” of produce.

In this first half of the book, pictures and illustrations abound, enticing you with beautiful photos of produce  you too can grow, or step by step of saving tomato seeds, or various map layouts of gardens or charts for crop rotations. So I was a little disappointed there were not more photos in the second half for the recipes. There are definitely some beautiful whole page layouts of some of the recipes, but many recipes have no photo, or at most a small photo of one of the ingredients of the recipe but not the dish itself. I am definitely a visual person, and the recipes I tried ended up being ones that had accompanying photos of the finished dish.

Her recipes are simple (she calls her style  “prosperous peasant”), featuring the freshness of the ingredients, all from scratch and the majority of the components which can come fresh from the garden… or in my case, purchased from the farmers market and someone else’s garden. Since asparagus has been looking so beautiful at the market that was one of the first recipes I picked out to try.

Asparagus Goldenrod

The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce Asparagus Goldenrod recipe

This recipe comes from Barbara Damrosch and her mother, and is named for the grated egg yolk that appears like goldenrod pollen. I chose to use two types of bread (paesano and seedy grain), but did not remove the crusts (and whoever styled the dish for the food photo did not either!). As an homage to what Barbara and Eliot stand for, I used everything from the Portland farmers market or Local Choice Market except the butter and black pepper.

Ingredients (serves 4):

  • 4 large eggs (mine are from Stiebrs Farm)
  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream (I used Garry’s Meadow Fresh Jersey whipping cream)
  • 4 ounces (1 cup) of shredded Gruyere cheese (or, since I didn’t find a local Gruyere, I used a Gruyere-like cheese, Adams Alpine from Cascadia Creamery)
  • 40 medium size fresh asparagus spears
  • 4 large or 8 small slices of whole grain bread, crusts removed
  • 2 tablespoons butter at room temperature
  • freshly ground black pepper, to taste


  1. Hard cook the eggs by placing the 4 eggs in a saucepan and adding enough water to cover the eggs. Bring the water to simmer over high heat, then immediately lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Drain the hot water and fill the pan with cold water to cool the eggs for at least 5 minutes.
  2. Peel the eggs and remove the yolk carefully so they remain whole. They should be firm enough to now grate. Coarsely chop the egg whites and set aside for the sauce.
  3. Pour the cream into a medium size skillet and bring to slow simmer over medium heat, stir, stirring constantly, until it has thickened. Gradually add the grated cheese, stirring until it has melted and is smooth. Add the egg whites, and keep the sauce warm over low heat.
  4. Toast the bread and then butter (optional), putting them on the plate you plan to serve with.
  5. Trim the asparagus spears to about 5 inches in length, and steam until the asparagus is tender, 2-5 minutes. (Or, you can roast or grill the asparagus, whatever you’d like.) Distribute the asparagus spears over the pieces of toast, and then cover with the creamy sauce. Top with the grated egg yolk and some black pepper to taste, and serve immediately.

The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce Asparagus Goldenrod recipe The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce Asparagus Goldenrod recipe The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce Asparagus Goldenrod recipe The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce Asparagus Goldenrod recipe The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce Asparagus Goldenrod recipe

Barbara advises that depending on the season, you can easily substitute broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, leeks, garlic scapes, etc for the asparagus. For most of the recipes there is a “Try This Too” section that suggests some variations to try. She often also suggests other dishes to serve with to make a complete complementary meal. She suggested a salad and a dessert of fresh fruit for this, but I made her Green Gazpacho that celebrates the bounty of greens with green pepper, celery, scallions, jalapeno, parsley, cilantro, and chives. Barbara also notes that you might also try adding green tomatoes, or tomatillos, to this “chlorophyll explosion, refreshing and pungent”.

Green Gazpacho

Ingredients (serves 4 as a main course, 6-8 as an appetizer):

  • 1 medium to large green bell pepper, stemmed, seeded, and cut into small chunks (approximately 1 1/2 cups)
  • 1-2 (I used 2) green jalapeno peppers, stemmed, seeded, and chopped
  • 1 medium size cucumber, peeled, seeded, and coarsely chopped (approximately 3/4-1 cup)
  • 2 medium sized ribs celery, coarsely chopped (approximately 2/3 cup)
  • 6 scallions (white and green parts), coarsely chopped (approximately 1 cup)
  • 1 cup (packed) fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves
  • 1/4 cup (packed) fresh cilantro leaves, or to taste
  • 1 tablespoon agave syrup or 4 teaspoons raw sugar
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil (I happened to use blood orange olive oil)
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (you can also substitute tofu here)
  • 1 tablespoon very finely chipped fresh chives


  1. Combine the bell and jalapeno peppers, cucumber, celery, and scallions and stir briefly. Put half the mixture into a food processor with 1 cup water and pulse until the mixture is just pureed, about 30 seconds. Return this to a large bowl (I used one that was 2.5 quarts).
  2. Repeat the above with the second half of prepped veggies + 1 cup water , but this time also adding the parsley, cilantro, agave syrup, lime and lemon juice, dash of salt and black pepper. Combine both purees in the large bowl, and add the olive oil and stir to mix. Taste and add salt or ground pepper as desired (this soup tastes best with enough salt to accent the flavors).
  3. Refrigerate if not serving right away. When serving, pour the gazpacho into individual bowls or glasses. Top each serving with 1 to 2 tablespoons of sour cream and a pinch of chives.

The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce Green Gazpacho recipe, green pepper, celery, scallions, jalapeno, parsley, cilantro, and chives, spring soup recipe The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce Green Gazpacho recipe, green pepper, celery, scallions, jalapeno, parsley, cilantro, and chives, spring soup recipe The Four Seasons Farm Gardener's Cookbook review Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman gardening farming recipes local produce Green Gazpacho recipe, green pepper, celery, scallions, jalapeno, parsley, cilantro, and chives, spring soup recipe

Barbara Damrosch will be at POWELL’S BOOKS AT CEDARS HILL CROSSING (3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. Beaverton) on THURSDAY, MAY 30TH at 7pm to say hi and find out more about The Four Seasons Farm Gardener’s Cookbook (and get signed copies) she co-authored (she helped write the first half, and did most of the second half), or get advice about gardening. Barbara also authors a weekly column A Cook’s Garden in the Washington Post, seriously she is amazing.

Disclosure: This book was provided by Workman Publishing for me to review.  The views and opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own, and I will always provide my honest opinion and assessment of all products and experiences regardless of whether they were complimentary or not.


Chard Story- the continuation of that fresh pasta into dinner

Chard Story. It starts as a gift of chard from Kumi, (Kusuma of Ruchikala, and the amazing goddess behind the Ruchikala spring pop up dinner I blogged about previously) hooking me up with goodness from Blue House Greenhouse Farms (an urban farm in Portland). I decided to have the chard simply sauteed with garlic in olive oil, and served tossed with fresh fettuccine (as covered in the last post). I also made fresh ricotta (I am planning to bake the ricotta with mushrooms but knew I had some extra to spare) and added a sprinkle of asiago and called it delicious dinner.

Blue House Greenhouse Farms chard Blue House Greenhouse Farms chard Blue House Greenhouse Farms chard Blue House Greenhouse Farms chard Blue House Greenhouse Farms chard sauteed with garlic in olive oil with fresh ricotta and fettuccini

Don’t you love how beautiful chard is when it’s all leafy like a big fan, and then after you cut it how it’s like colorful streamers?

If you are interested in supporting local, urban farming, and sustainable farming practices, Blue House Greenhouse Farm has a seasonal farmstand every Tuesday afternoon at the SW corner of N Williams and N Cook- and Kusuma is often there with her fresh homemade baked breads or curries (such as sag paneer using the spinach from Blue House Greenhouse Farm), and they also have a subscription service (although it looks from the website it is currently full!) so check them out!

Disclosure: This chard was gifted to me by a friend, but I knew that it came from Blue House Greenhouse Farm. They did not require that I write this review nor did they request it.  The views and opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own, and I will always provide my honest opinion and assessment of all products and experiences regardless of whether they were complimentary or not.
