The Crab’s Revenge

Usually, I don't like to eat crab legs. It is way too much work. I'm much more a lobster tail kind of person, or if the crab meat is already outside of the shell, I'm in (crab ravioli, crabcake, etc). Well, on June 27 my mom went and ordered a crab platter at Bob Chinn's that came with a variety of crab legs, so of course I had to help. As I was cutting one chunky chubby crab leg with the provided utensil, I noticed some red on my appetizer plate. That's strange, I thought. The crab is rare? Then I realized it wasn't crab blood. It was mine.

I grabbed a paper towel… and then another… and then another to try to press my fingertip cut closed, but the blood kept coming. Then our entrees arrived, and after a few more minutes I gave up and went to the bathroom, rinsed my finger and threw away my crumpled out bloody towel, and got a bandaid from the host stand which I wrapped tightly enough so that the skin flap over the cut would close the wound enough to staunch the bleeding. I had to give it to the crab- it defended itself from me even when it was just a leg.

My finger stung a little for that day. All this last week I dutifully wrapped my finger tip with a bandaid snugly enough so that my wound could heal. After a week had passed since the crab defensive maneuver, I started to notice my finger was a little itchy- the sticky part of the bandaid was a little stuck on my finger even after I peeled off the bandaid, and I scratched at it to rub it off. I thought it was the adhesive gunk that was irritating my finger.

Then when I stopped wearing the bandaid this past holiday weekend, I noticed the top third of my finger was still itchy. Weird, the residue must still be there even though I didn't see it. I rubbed it now and then, but didn't feel anything. Weird. Then, I started to see little bumps. Oh oh.

Then yesterday, not only did I see lots of flesh colored bumps (almost like… a crab shell has bumps…), but the bumps and itchiness were spreading from the inside of my finger to the outside by my nail, and it was tender and a little swollen on that side. It even throbbed a little on that side.

I took some pictures and asked my sister, the pediatrician, what she thought. She stepped up my guess of some sort of fungus from too much wet band-aid to offer the hypothesis of a parasitic infection. I mentioned it to my mom (my dad was on call so unavailable) and after suggested maybe my finger was just dry and I needed lotion (no! that's not it mom!) she suggested tetanus. Ok… So off to the doctor I went today to learn the fate of my ring finger tip.

After she pressed and poked at my finger, she pronounced that since it was not red, not hard, and felt normal except for looking at it, that I was allergic to latex. Steroid cream for me! But don't touch your eye dear, or you'll get glaucoma!

Yes crab, I have learned my lesson. I will not eat you.


Happy 4th!

Happy Independence Day, from the Wrigley Building, Michigan Avenue bridge on the Magnificent Mile, and Tribune Tower.

Also present and waving in the background trying to get in the picture was the shiny Trump Tower.






Previously, on the life of Pech (I’m back)

I totally miss being able to write stuff on a blog, like I have been on for a really, really long time. I went back to look at the first entry to my space on the web, and I actually have two anniversaries: first, I have the one using the code he wrote to post on his server, and that was August 2002. I knew the word blog then, but I didn’t think of myself as a blogger, in fact I called my first post a “journal entry”. Before then though, I did have a website where I just wrote straight HTML in the editor of my choice (Hot Dog) and that was started in 1997. That’s right- more than 10 years on the internet. It makes me shake my head a little to think about how I secretly (ok, guess not so secretly) make fun of the horrific layout of MySpace and the busy-ness of the interface of Facebook but I started out on Geocities, and now here is better reincarnation of the same neighborhood idea that’s grown up from Livejournal and has a current form of Vox.

Anyway, even though after I got kicked off of posting on Steven’s server I was still posting to the internet- it has been all through photos on my Picasa album and captioning those photos.  I saw though that my “Adventures of Pech 2008” album just for this first half of the year is already at 280 photos (I’m actually going to have to divide my album now by half year- and actually I have uploaded more photos than that online, since I do have other albums, both public and private I have created. I am today at 952 MB Storage used and 72 MB Storage remaining- seriously! And that’s not with uploading at the full resolution or all my pics that I’ve taken! ). But I digress, which isn’t surprising since I write sort of train-of-thought style. Anyway I realized that its awful to have to keep up with me by looking at an album that has to download that many photos. So here I am, back to real text and just highlighting thumbnails, for your better user experience in being nosy and seeing what I am up to.

Previously this year:

My adventures thus far (Jan-June 2008)

Visiting Denver the week of June 16

Ringing in the New Year in LA/Hawaii




