Well, here in Portland we went from a nice long summer that lasted until early October straight into the grey and rain of what would be late October. So, I wanted to share a few photos from when I was in upstate New York and enjoyed the beautiful fall colors there.
I was driving and there were so many times I wanted to pull over, the colors and views just were so fantastic, particularly on the highways with all the rolling hills when they were all I could see to my left, right, and in front for miles. There were a couple times on the more local roads I was able to get a few shots. I was told this wasn’t even their peak yet since there were still greens…
So here’s a reminder of some of the colors of fall that are out there, despite our gloomy gray skies here!
Is there anyplace you go for fall colors? Particularly here in the northwest, I’ve had to get used to not seeing all the deciduous trees that I am used to from the Midwest and also from a few fall trips I’ve taken specifically to the East Coast like around New York, Massachusetts, and North Carolina to see the colors.

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