As cross-posted in the Pongched blog.
Happy Father's day to Pongched Daddy. We know that the MD stands for My Daddy.
"Um… she wasn't looking"
"Oh…tuckered out just from one ride?"
My dad/our dad is the one that told us, as we were trying to finish up yet another instance of overordering food the typical Asian way, that "we Pongcheds don't surrender!", ha ha. So we happily eat good food, take home leftovers and polish them off the next day, and he's picked up the way I and my siblings document/show off our eatings to each other with pictures. My eating habits of often having either a big lunch or dinner is similar to his timing, and my way of planning vacations is directly inherited from him. Thankfully, I got my open-minded approach to a variety of foods from my mom, or I would keep going to the same standbys just like my dad instead of being a food explorer. Ironically, my dad and F are similar in that way in which they like becoming regulars and a set list of dining choices they don't get tired of and no desire to try someplace new unless given a personal recommendation from a friend.
My sister L and I wonder as we get older, who will end up being my dad/his brother See-Jek between the two of us in terms of dining misadventures. We'll see.

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