So if you have been wondering what I have been up to because it's been so quiet on this front, the answer is… " a lot"!
After my project ended at the end of July, I posted my resume up, and in early August was fielding calls about job opportunities. However, I was specifically looking for jobs in not only my niche speciality of user experience work, but also I wanted to look specifically in Portland, Oregon and not in the Chicago area. After fielding calls for jobs and emails daily that were not for the location specified and getting slightly annoyed, I finally got not one but two calls, and two phone interviews, for two different jobs in Portland. Both flew me out, and after completing a full one day interview at each in early August, I was fortunate enough to have two job offers to consider!
I have accepted one of the jobs, and now I have a month to move myself out to Portland! I gave my official notice to my work (last day is the 11th) and my moving date is tentatively the 19/20th. Most of the past few weeks has consisted of apartment shopping for a home in Portland and showing off my current apartment in order to be able to break the lease (after a week on Craig's list, a 12 month lease has been signed so I'm free of my rental agreement with no security deposit penalty!)
This weekend I am enjoying Labor Day with my parents and my sister Lynn in Atlanta, and then there is a week of packing to start now that I don't have to show the apartment anymore and keep it clean. I'll be in Boston from the 12-15th and then… time to ship my belongings, sell them, or donate them
If you know me, you know I have actually never moved to another city before. Sure, I travel and visit and may even spend a summer in a location, but Chicago has always been my home, so this is a huge development for me. Wish me luck!
Incidentally, I continue to have my adventures in pictures posted to my Picasa website, so check that out for pictures with captions of what I have been up to lately.
I'll be back!
