It was nice to visit today and see it refreshingly not crowded. There wasn’t even really a line at Pine State Biscuit (I’ll post those photos separately). The offerings at the various stands were full of tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, summer squash, eggplants, peaches, and berries. I have been craving tomatoes to put in caprese salad, and in preparation for a tofu tasteoff between Thangh Son Tofu and Bui Tofu, I grabbed some other ingredients as well with tofu in mind. The theme for this week is tomatoes and tofu and mushrooms (I got baby portabella and chantarelles).
There was a lot of garlic at the market which afterwards made me think of all the tips from Caprial and John on roasting garlic for dips- maybe for a weekend where we don’t plan to see or talk to anybody. Perhaps with fava beans, that I can make into hummus? What really caught my eye were kohlrabi- I’ve never made them before, and I hurried home to look up recipe. If I can find them next week, I think I’m going to try them out! I also was tempted by the eggplant but decided to go with the corn on the grill instead for this week… for next week which eggplant should I get to grill, look at the selection!
And maybe at another time trying out those edible Nasturtium flowers in a salad (I’m a little sick of salads after buying pounds of spinach and mixed greens the past month so am on a lil break right now)… and as a reward I can go get one of those little custard tarts, but I’m afraid they won’t be as good as I remember the custard tarts I got in Hong Kong. Overally, it was a relaxing visit to the market with F today as I usually am doing the shopping on my own, so we also enjoyed a picnic lunch thanks to some of the food stall vendors and yay, someone else can carry the reusable bag of stuffs back up the hill for me!

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