I’m planning a February Seattle Getaway, and wanted to highlight some of things I’m planning in case you too, want to do a Seattle mini-vacation soon.
Last year, I attended the Chocofest in Seattle at Pike Brewing Company, as I recapped in this previous post. Here are a few sample images from what I experienced last year:
This year, I’m returning again to attend Chocofest 2014. This will be their sixth event, this year held on February 9 from 6-9pm. All proceeds benefit Puget Soundkeeper, a local non-profit dedicated to keeping Puget Sound clean. As last year, the event includes samplings of wine, spirits, cider, mead, chocolate, and other food samples. Last year, there were 70 vendors- and this year they are targeting 80. The entire Pike Pub- from restaurant to brewery, all 3 floors- will be dedicated for this event. The $45 includes entrance, all the food, and ten scrip tickets which are used for the alcohol, as well as an adorable little baby snifter glass. 10 tickets doesn’t sound like much- but F and I were having a hard time finishing off those tickets and if you’ve read this blog, you are familiar with how experienced we are with beer festivals so that’s saying something.
Getting to Seattle is easy- for instance, consider the Bolt Bus. This bus goes direct from Portland downtown to Seattle’s downtown, and was less than $20 each way. The bus features wireless and a power outlet so I can keep updated on my various RSS feeds after I wake up from my nap. Another option is to of course drive, or ride the Amtrak. You may even see the special Portland Amtrak Cascades “Portland Express” dining car, covered in Portland art outside and inside featuring Portland furniture, food and drinks! If you book 2 weeks in advance- which is still possible to make this Chocofest- you also get 25% off). Check out this Portland Monthly slideshow giving you a peek of the Portland goodness inside the train car.
I’m leaving in the morning, and during the daytime before the Chocofest I am planning to visit the Pacific Science Center.
Until February 17, the Pacific Science Center is hosting an exhibit called the Photography of Modernist Cuisine. This exhibit includes more than 100 images over the past 7 years, some at more than 6 feet long, that explore the world of the science and art of food via photography. It’s a mix of art and technique via the photography, food love, and the story of the science behind food. Images include the fractal structures and color gradations of vitamin C crystal, the physics that propels and explodes a bursting kernel of popcorn, or a cross-section photo of what it looks like when boiling vegetables.
Here’s a peek of what Modernist Cuisine is via video- you can get more information at the website Modernist Cuisine.
If this sounds like a Foodie February Seattle Getaway… you are RIGHT!
How much does planning food factor into your vacation planning?
Note: I’ve already seen the Chihuly Garden and Glass, but if you haven’t, I recommend that you include it as part of a Seattle mini vacation: I had a whole post dedicated to it here. I’ve visited Seattle several times, so feel free to also browse other recaps I’ve done to see other deliciousness and activities I’ve enjoyed!