During my last Travel Tuesday post I shared ideas of how to enjoy free things in Copenhagen. I recommended looking up when are the free days at various museums to take advantage of visiting on those days. This worked out twice in my favor during my last visit, as I visited the sculpture museums of Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, free on Tuesdays, and then Thorvaldsen’s Museum, which is free on Wednesdays. Today I will share more details from both these museums, both which showcase sculpture, so you know what you will get at each museum.
I thought that both are primarily sculpture museum was a big draw as I looked forward to seeing several famous works in person instead of the flat photos I remember from my Humanities textbook. I recall in high school studying the change from the more stately, monument body form in sculptures to a more humanistic capture of more natural instead of stylized bodies, and then art starting to embody frozen action and emotion. I also in school had really enjoyed studying Greek and Roman myths, which are also used as inspiration for many sculptures.