While I can’t say I’m at all ok with the current state of our country, one thing I do have to admit is that people have really come together to rise up and do something about it instead of just complaining. There have been peaceful rallies, there have been sharing news and keeping updated on who and how to go about contacting the applicable representatives to have our voices heard, and there has been eating and drinking for a cause as the industry and the community got together in raising money for Planned Parenthood and other organizations. I’m just sharing recently three ways I was eating for Planned Parenthood and hoping you will follow along on the news or my Instagram as I think there may be repeats of these type of events in the future that I will share.
Cookie Grab 2017
In an amazing show of support. Cookie Grab 2017 aka Pussies Bake Back was announced on January 6 and within 24 hours this cookie box sale with cookies from 21 local female chefs sold out!! Each cookie box offered for $50, with 100% of proceeds donated to Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette, twenty one signature cookies from twenty one local female chefs.
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