In case you think that my life is always full of gourmet food, I captured this meal I made. Thanks, Kraft for making this Monsters University version of Mac and Cheese.
I was so proud of myself as I added some green peas. I thought the peas were very good stand-ins for Mike and would be a fun trick to add veggies to it for kids. In this case, I was only tricking myself. I’m not sure how much of an accomplishment that is.
I am not sure there is anything that is the same color as Sulley.
Did you know I didn’t have Mac and Cheese until my freshman year in college? My family doesn’t really eat anything with cheese- cheeseburgers, pizza, and tacos fast food shortcuts were the only times, but nothing was ever cooked with cheese. They served it at the cafeteria in middle and high school, but it was a white creamy mess that looked unappealing so I never tried it. We never ordered it as a side from wherever we got our fried or roast chickens.
It was only because during my freshman year, for one of the the dorm floor “study break” once a week, one of the other students made a buffet of Kraft mac and cheese, and that’s all there was, and to be polite I tried it. I think I had 3 bowls full. I am very polite.
I also remember getting sick, but it was wonderful going down and I stuck with it to discover how affordable mac and cheese and later, Rice a Roni and Pasta Roni, are on a college girl’s budget. It remains a fond memory.
Not saying I don’t love the ones with 3 types of cheese and panko breadcrumbs that are slightly burnt and crunchy on the sides with chorizo and green onions and other fanciness… but I still want the tang of his orange powder cheese sometimes. Also, Monster shapes! Kraft Mac and Cheese Monsters University for the win for this meal.
What nostalgic comfort food do you crave from your younger years? Are there any foods that blew your mind when you discovered them once outside the roof of your family home?
Don’t worry, I am sure I have totally made up for the cheese deficiency of my childhood and then some in my adulthood…