Last week I highlighted the #SchmearCampaign 2016 being held by Bowery Bagels which I think has the best cream cheese flavors in town – I shared some of my favorite sandwiches and all the various bagel flavors and schmears, including vegan ones. I also highlighted the SchmearCampaign where the public nominated flavors and then gets to vote in final nominees. Previously, the first Schmear Campaign winning flavor has become one of their best sellers – The, a delicious bacon, onion, mushroom schmear. The winner of the 2016 is one I helped suggest:
Blue Cheese Walnut Honey Schmear, with Danish buttermilk blue cheese, toasted Oregon walnuts, Oregon clover honey, and a little toasted walnut oil
It was a close call: it won by just two votes! Don’t be scared of the blue cheese – Danish buttermilk blue cheese is super creamy and buttery and that bit of blue cheese tang will probably be balanced well by nuttiness and honey.
To celebrate, you can visit the FREE open to the public, family friendly Bowery Bagels #SchmearCampaign 2016 Victory Party on Monday November 14th from 3 – 6 PM at their location on 310 NW Broadway. They will be celebrating the new Blue Cheese Honey Walnut Schmear, as well as have light refreshments and bagels and schmear for sampling.
Unfortunately I am out of town for work so won’t be at the victory party, but hope to stop by Bowery and grab some on Sunday so that I can try them that day and then on my wayyy early (before dawn) flight on Monday as I’m flying away cutting up some fruit and making my blue cheese walnut honey pear/apple sandwich! Bowery Bagels will have the winning new schmear on their menu beginning Friday (tomorrow!).
Here are the details again in case you want to stop by!
#SchmearCampaign Victory Party
- When: Monday November 14th from 3 -6 PM
- Where: Bowery Bagels at 310 NW Broadway, Portland
- What: FREE, public, family friendly. Enjoy light refreshments and bagel and schmear sampling