Free Things to do in Hiroshima

If you visit Hiroshima, there are two major free things to do in Hiroshima you should not miss out on. Of all the unique things you should see here, you should visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, all of which is free if you do not go inside the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (which has an entrance fee). You can also enjoy the views of Hiroshima Castle for free. You can even easily do both in the same day – here’s a peek at what you might see from my visit in late November 2018.
Hiroshima Castle, one of the free things to do in Hiroshima if you just walk around the moat and park area to see the castle on the outside, there is only a small fee to enter the inside of Hiroshima Castle itself Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park one of the free things to do in Hiroshima if you just walk around the park and see the various moments there is only a small fee to enter the inside of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum itself

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